
Puzzling Moves by NFL Teams this Off season

SportsBozos Cleveland Browns Stadium

In case you forgot, the Bozos just want to remind you how dumb some of these teams are….

As we prepare for the opening kickoff of the NFL season, it amazes me how some teams continue to be doormats of the NFL and continue to make one bad move after another. As we outlined previously, Tampa Bay is a mess with a sexual deviant at quarterback and is now banking on the great Ryan Fitzpatrick or Patrick Fitsryan as their quarterback for at least the first month. No offense to Ryan but he seems to be better at growing “Duck Dynasty” style beards than winning football games. His career record as a starter in the NFL is 48-70, yet despite this fact, the Bucs are going to trot this career loser out onto the field and hope for a different result. Tampa has tools to compete right now, especially in the NFC south, but rather than get a QB that can actually win, they are banking on the bearded Amish wonder to win games for them.

The Cleveland Browns are also a puzzling team with really questionable decisions. For starters, their Head Coach Hugh Jackson is now 1-31 in the last two years. Ryan Fitzpatrick is now shaking his head and saying “Dang, what a LOOOSSSEERR Hugh Jackson is!  The mind boggling questions involved here are multi faceted. They took Baker Mayfield with the 1st pick in the draft and immediately declared Tyrod Taylor as their starting QB. While starting the veteran seems like a sound decision, the bigger question is why would you have Mayfield sit and watch and learn under Jackson’s system when there is a high probability Jackson will be gone unless they win six to eight games?   When a new coach comes in they bring in all their personnel and their schemes, so in essence, Mayfield might be sitting and learning a system for a year that will not be in place by next spring.   Shrewd move as always by a Browns organization that actually employed Jonah Hill (also known as Paul DePodesta) a baseball expert to run a football team. They should have cut bait with Jackson and brought in a fresh new offensive minded head coach to be tied at the hip with Mayfield for at least three years. To make matters worse, in the event they do play Mayfield at some point in time, they have surrounded him with veteran leadership in the locker room that would make Terrell Owens blush.   Mayfield has had (our favorite term for imbecilic or illegal behavior) Off the field issuesincluding public intoxication, running from the police and assault. He also has had issues on the field in which he is grabbing his crotch, planting spears in the middle of the opposing team’s fields and is now posing in his underwear at training camp. To make sure he becomes a true professional in his craft the Browns have wide receiver Josh Gordon, known affectionately in certain circles as ‘Josh Cheech and Chong’, for his ability to function at a high level while constantly wasted on pot. As if this wasn’t enough, they brought in Jarvis Landry (who recently said his former coach wanted him to die) and potentially Dez Bryant to help guide this young lad and become the franchise QB they so desperately desire. I guess Greg Hardy and Ray Rice weren’t available to help nurture this kid. Why in the world would you have your young QB develop a relationship with a guy like Gordon who has already been suspended for years for lighting up and is one positive test away from a lifetime ban? Dez Bryant regularly berated All-Pro QB’s like Tony Romo and Dak Prescott on the sidelines and pressured them to constantly throw to him. Do the Brownies really think Dez will show Mayfield any respect?

The NY Jets did absolutely nothing this offseason which is once again a real head scratcher. They lucked into the best QB in the draft with Sam Darnold and he looks like a solid choice and a long time starter. Knowing that they have a rookie QB who literally just turned 21, they surrounded him with a veteran like Josh McCown because who wouldn’t want a young rookie QB to be tutored by a career backup with a record of 23-50 as a starter? In addition, the Jets surrounded him with perhaps the worst receiving group in the NFL and running backs that won’t even be drafted by desperate fantasy football players. There is literally not a single player on the Jets that will put any fear into any defender. This means lots of man to man coverage against these lame receivers and will free up extra blitzing linebackers and safeties that will put the franchise QB on his back 15 times a game or more. No defensive coordinator ever lost sleep because of Robby Anderson, Terrell Pryor and Isaiah Crowell. The Jets might set a record in our fantasy football league and not have a single offensive player drafted! The Jet’s also should have cut bait with defensive minded head coach Todd Bowles once they drafted Darnold. Under Bowles the Jets have had back to back 5-11 season so barring an 8-8 season, he too will be gone and a new coach and scheme will need to be learned


