
Red Tide Coming to Tampa This Year

Sportsbozos proudly welcomes our newest and possibly edgiest contributor, Booze Socka Bozo!-BSB.  Thanks for your article, keep ’em coming, Nice work!


Jameis Winston is toxic for the Buccaneers

The toxic red tide that has been killing sea life and polluting beaches has slowly been creeping north from southwest Florida and is anticipated to arrive in the Tampa Bay area in early October, around the time another toxic red poison returns from suspension. Jameis Winston, QB of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, will miss the first 3 games of the upcoming season due to the fact he was grabbing an Uber driver’s genitals. No, you don’t need to read that line over again, a star QB in the NFL decided it was perfectly normal for an occupant of a car to reach over and begin groping some poor girl who is just trying to earn a buck driving him and his drunken friends home. Winston initially denied this allegation, as he has did in the rape accusation while at Florida State and the stealing of crab legs from a local Publix in Tallahassee. He also denied jumping up on a cafeteria table and screaming “F- that P-word” before he realized that there is a thing called a cell phone that recorded him doing this, so yet another apology. He finally admitted that he did in fact do this horrific act to some poor girl driving for Uber and announced he was giving up alcohol. Bravo to Jameis for giving up alcohol but is it really alcohol that is the problem?   I am no angel and have staggered out of many a bar and taken a cab or Uber back to my hotel, but the idea of grabbing the crotch of my driver never really entered my head as an option no matter how many Coors Lights I drank. Sure, almost all my drivers have been middle aged Middle Eastern men who reek of truck stop bathroom cologne, but the point is still valid. This has created quite the conundrum for the Buccaneers in light of his impending free agency this off season in which he will be a restricted free agent.   What do you do with him?

Winston is a talented head case at best and the NFL has had its share of quarterbacks who fit this description. Jeff George and Jay Cutler both had all-pro arms and the social skills in the locker room of a sloth. While they may have been poor teammates and leaders, owners never had to worry if either of these two might rape or sexually assault a woman. In the case of Winston, the pattern is undeniable and much different. While some in the media like to use words like “Off the field issues” or “Poor Decision Making”, this goes much deeper. To most normal people, going through a divorce is an off the field issue you cope with. Perhaps getting into an altercation at a restaurant with a heckler would be a poor decision. I wish these terms were available when I would come home in the middle of the night and my mom would berate me. I could just say “Mom, I had an off the field issue in the woods at a keg party and used some poor decision making when I got my red solo cup”.

When it comes to Winston, he has a problem with women and continues this weird pattern of behavior that indicates he might be a misogynist or a sexual pervert.   In what world is it normal for a grown man to behave in this manner, unless your name is Harvey Weinstein? To make matters worse, Winston was joined in this Uber ride by two other friends. Ronald Darby of the Philadelphia Eagles and Brandon Banks, formerly of Vanderbilt and a man who was awaiting sentencing for first degree rape. Weeks later he was sentenced to 15 years in jail for his role in gang raping an unconscious coed with others. This is eerily familiar to Winston’s alleged rape at Florida State. In that case, Winston was accused of raping a drunken FSU student while his friends watched. This is your franchise quarterback and face of the franchise Tampa Bay Buccaneers. A guy who repeatedly has no common sense and no self awareness, considering how close he was to going to jail for allegedly raping an unconscious drunk coed while at Florida State. No matter how many second chances Winston receives, he repeatedly has gone back to his abusive ways and literally shows no remorse nor common sense anytime he is around women and a couple of his buddies. This pattern of abusing women in the company of his friends is creepy to say the least. I can barely perform in front of my wife, but this guy seems to go out of his way to have sexual encounters in front of his friends. This is not normal and seems to be a pattern for Winston.

Tampa would be best served cutting bait with this toxic poison now and starting over. There is no reasonable person who really believes that giving Winston a large contract and $50 million guaranteed will solve his problems. When, not if, he commits any other transgression he will be suspended by the NFL for at least a year. Imagine a scenario where your team is 8-3 and playing the Falcons for first place and your franchise QB decide to grab a waitress or a patron in a restaurant. Quite frankly, any allegation whether true or fabricated will result in an 8 game suspension due to his past. Can you think of any other company in the world that would hire a man with this resume? The legal risk would far outweigh anything he can offer the company.

I would not give him any guaranteed money and would look to find a gullible trade partner that might be desperate for a QB

He is the toxic red tide coming to Tampa and should be flushed out to sea now, not later.

