

OBJ: “I feel like a zoo animal”


Odell Beckham was recently on the LeBron James podcast show in Los Angeles and told him he sometimes feels like a “Zoo Animal and is just on display”.   Interesting, considering his antics on and off the field that largely cause a complete team distraction. There is no doubting his talent on the field, but is his talent really worth the headache he regularly causes?   This is a man that cries on the sideline, uncontrollably retaliated against known baiter Josh Norman and of course mimicked being a dog and urinating on the Philadelphia Eagles field. This is in addition to beating up the field goal kicking net and taking a party boat cruise with teammates before a playoff game.  OBJ just signed a $95 million dollar contract extension and now he feels like a zoo animal? Call me crazy, but for $95 million, I’d commit to being in a cage for three hours a day and having people toss me peanuts and cracker jacks. This should be very alarming for NY Giant brass in light of this huge commitment financially to him. We have seen this for many years now in the NFL and despite mounting evidence to the contrary, teams continue to lavish huge contracts on knuckleheads and think money will make them smart. Let’s take a stroll down memory lane shall we?


Michael Vick: Also known as ‘Ron Mexico’ to cover for his herpes infection at hotel rooms, Vick was always a talented player who had a myriad of problems. Despite this history, the Atlanta Falcons gave him a $130 million dollar contract assuming he would get the lip sore cleared up and maybe raise some horses in Buckhead, but instead, Mike takes his money and buys 50 pit bulls and begins having them fight other dogs from around the Southeast.


Johnny (Red Solo Cup) Manziel: Johnny Football had a ton of problems controlling himself in college at Texas A&M and was a party boy living off his Daddy’s oil money. He was a regular on TMZ and showed up at every event he could find with a drink in his hand. The Browns drafted him and gave him millions and then were shocked when he didn’t even show up on game day because he had a bong and a bottle of champagne in his room. If he couldn’t handle Daddy’s allowance, did you really think he could handle a $10 million signing bonus?


Aaron Hernandez: The late gang banger was a known head case while at Florida and was widely rumored to be involved in possible murders in Gainesville. He really was a great compliment for Gronk, so the Patriots take him when he falls out of the 1st round with little concern he might be a murderer (C’mon, who hasn’t been rumored to have murdered somebody?) and also shot his buddy in the head. After a solid two years, the Pat’s give him a $40 million contract despite his sleeve of gang symbol tattoos on his body. Remarkably, the Pat’s thought this might help him become a reasonable man of society and an avid reader of the NY Times. Instead of buying a home on the Cape and raising a family, he goes on a murder spree that can rival the Son of Sam. Today he is implicated or a person of interest in up to 6 total murders from Florida to Boston. I’ve got to give him some credit though. I go to a strip club with some friends and spend three hours nervously planning my alibi to my wife, but this guy murders six people and still got me 31 points in Fantasy Football the previous Sunday!


Richie Incognito: The bullying PED juice boy has been nothing but a headache since his days in college, but once again, teams hope that if you give a guy a $30 million dollar contract his steroid rage will suddenly stop and he will become a Deacon at the local church.   His latest rage was a retirement and then threatening to kill people at his father’s funeral after they decided it might not be a smart idea to let Richie cut off his father’s head. What better way to celebrate your father’s life than by killing another person? My dad would have been so proud!

I miss you so much dad and to honor you, I cut off your head and killed that annoying neighbor Neil you didn’t like”


Pacman Jones: Do we really need to say more? Pacman is the epitome of knucklehead talent and teams continue to give him 7 figures and hope he will get a Labrador retriever and not slap a woman or shoot somebody in a club or get into a fight in public despite a 15 year history.


The list goes on and on with everyone from Aquib Talib to Greg Hardy. Owners and GM’s continue to believe that if you take a criminal and/or knucklehead from college and give them tens of millions of dollars, they will suddenly become upstanding citizens or will not be a team distraction. I want to be clear that OBJ has never had any of the criminal actions of some of the above mentioned and I do not mean to imply he is a bad person off the field.   I do however believe he is a distraction to a locker room and a team and with this contract, he now will be in full control of the locker room, the coach and the organization.   Good luck with that Giants.  His comments with LeBron speak volumes of what you are getting for the next 5 years.







