
Bonehead Moves Lowlight Week 7

How stupid are these coaches anyway?

These Bozos are bigger Bozos than the Bozos!

First in the morning game in London, after being thoroughly outplayed due to piss poor Red Zone execution and play calling, Tennessee leads a late charge to score the tying TD on an 89 yard five minute drive with 31 seconds to go. The extra point sends it to OT at 20-20 because Phillip Rivers won’t chance anything with less than 30 seconds deep in his own end. Tennessee has built up some late momentum in the game so they will welcome OT. WTF? Titans Head dumbass, Mike Vrabel, thinks he’s Bill Belichick and goes for two! They do not convert even though they have two chances (due to a defensive penalty) with two failed passes from the 2 yard line. Chargers 20-19, Bolts accept the gift, their 4th straight win and leap to a 5-2 record. Thanks Coach V!

Nice loss Coach! Way to give your team a chance in OT to prove themselves in the 10 minutes! Instead, Vrabel basically takes a 50-50 chance on one play to decide the game and maybe the season. Titans fall to 3-4, tied with Jacksonville and a game behind the Texans. Amazingly the players are stupid enough to defend the decision, I hope Mariota remembers this call when Tennessee fails to make the playoffs by one game. Listen, there are times when a 2 point attempt is warranted, even early in the game, however, at the end of the game, it’s just plain stupid to risk a win or a loss on just one play.

Wait, I’m not done, here come the Giants and the new rocket scientist they hired as head coach Pat Not so Sure-mur. The Giants lost 23-20 to the Falcons in Atlanta Monday. They played their usual mistake filled game until it was too late but they finally broke Saquon into the end zone with less than 5 minutes to play to make it 20-12. An extra point, a defensive stand and a TD can tie it for the New Yorkers, right? Nope. Dopey Pat goes for two to make it a 6 or an 8 point game. Again, WTF?

He said he wanted to be aggressive for the guys, I swear he said that, he also said the math was in his favor because if they scored another TD then the PAT would win it. So why not try now? He also stated that if you miss, then you can tie it when you make the 2 point conversion later. What am I missing? This thinking is backwards, never do you go for two unless you absolutely have to, otherwise the team is defeated mathematically and emotionally because of your stupid decision before they have a last chance to win / tie the game.

So, of course Eli throws a lousy pass and the Giants trail by eight. The Falcons drive down the field effortlessly and nail a FG to now go up by 11, 23-12 with 1:55 to play. So the Giants now need a TD, a 2 point conversion and a FG to tie. Fat freakin’ chance! New York gets the ball back, no timeouts of course and Eli leads the squad down the field. So they need to score a TD (and the 2 pointer), then recover an onside kick and hit a long FG to win. Instead of conserving the clock, the Giants and Eli, with 1st and goal from the 2, run two consecutive QB sneaks, running the clock down to 5 seconds. No, they didn’t “spike” the ball, no they didn’t try a pass in the end zone, Eli Manning, with 559 yards rushing on 307 carries in 223 games in 15 seasons presumably calls his own number. TWICE!!! Of course, the old ox can’t plow his way in, and time expires only before a late back door meaningless cover TD to Odell for the final play. Mind boggling decisions! Good teams do not waste the talent they have and operate this way. Physical mistakes are one thing but compounding the listless, now 1-6 season with mental mistakes by the QB and the coach leaves the team in a hopeless state.

Next up Jason “Hot Seat “Garrett. Idiot head coach runs the ball to a hash mark on 3rd down and plays for a 47 FG to tie the game on the road in DC. A snap infraction moves the ‘Boys back 5 yards and guess what, the 52 yarder hits the upright for a Dallas loss, 20-17 Bye, bye first place. Washington says thank you Jason.

Prior to that Garrett made another head coaching decision that was actually more dangerous and irresponsible, than stupid. Dak Prescott was drilled in the head by a Skins DB on the sideline, and was so woozy getting up, even former Cowboy QB Tony Romo noticed the obvious concussion, mentioning the protocol, etc., but the Cowboy staff simply put some SMEELING SALTS under Dak’s nose, proclaimed him sound, and put the franchise QB back in the game without missing a play. NFL, hello? Did you see that?

The Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles are really tearing it up this season defending their title, aren’t they? Losses to quality teams, Tampa Bay and Tennessee are bad enough, but losing a home game against Carolina while entering the 4th quarter with a 17-0 lead is something no team should let happen to them, much less the Champs. Stuffing Cam Newton for 8 consecutive drives, playing aggressive defense, the Eagles went into prevent mode in the 4th. Prevent the win that is! Three straight TD drives and no offense to counter it leaves the Eagles looking up at the Skins at 3-4 after self-destructing against the Panthers 21-17. Hard to repeat, isn’t it Doug?

In an exciting matchup in windy Baltimore, the 5-1 Saints beat the Ravens 24-23 by a missed point after TD at the wire. Brees and New Orleans charged back after being behind by 10 in the 2nd half only to see Joe Flacco impressively move the Ravens 81 yards for the tying TD. Well, tying if Justin Tucker, who has never missed a FG in his 7 year career and is 222-222 makes the kick. The ball elevated in the wind and sailed way right like a Steve Sassone drive on Hawk 6. Who knows what would have happened in OT but NO played tough and deserved a road win to move them within a game of the undefeated Rams for top supremacy in the NFC.


